Beck's cl 33 View larger

Beck's cl 33


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Valori Nutrizionali per 1 bottiglia (330 ml)
Energia 607 kJ
145 kcal
Proteine 1,5 g
Carboidrati 11,5 g
Grassi 0 g
Sodio 12 mg

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2,50 €

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History [edit | edit source]
The history of the brewery was born June 27, 1873, when three men, the master brewer Heinrich Beck and the two entrepreneurs Lüder Rutenberg and Thomas May, founded in Bremen Kaiserbrauerei Beck & May oHG The high quality of the beer produced in the following year brought a first recognition: presented at the International Exhibition of Agriculture, held in Bremen in 1874, the future Emperor Frederick III of Germaniaconferì Beck to the gold medal.
In May 1875 he left the firm, which was then renamed Kaiserbrauerei Beck & Co. With 1876 came the second international recognition: the World Exhibition in Philadelphia, the Beck introduced his new beer, renewed in shelf life, longer lasting and therefore more available for export overseas, given that Beck's factory was located near the Weser river, which flows next to Bremen, it was easy to trade to ship the beer in the world and become an international power in the field. It was in 1886 that, thanks to Reichspostdampferlinie, the route that linked Europe with the Far East, the beer completed its distribution capabilities at the international level.
At the end of the nineteenth century the German company, thanks to the international success and a contract with the Norddeutscher Lloyd fleet that guaranteed the exclusive on its ships, began to grow and tecnologizzare his factory, munendola, first in Europe, a refrigeratoreautomatico and a bacteriological laboratory to check the purity of raw materials.
With the advent of the new century, the company had to face the two world wars, the great war halted exports, by dropping the production, to remedy the problem now delocalizzò its production in the Far East (Singapore, Java, Japan) : these industrial installations were added to the factory in South-West Africa, now Namibia, built when the African country was a German colony.
The Second World War brought new expansion for the company, which, in addition to starting to appear on the advertising world, reached new states: among others, the Beck's began to be sold in Italy (1950), but especially in Germany (Beck's In fact, until 1949, was exclusively a beer for export).
The new millennium saw, in 2002, the company was bought by the Belgian company Interbrew, at a price of € 1.8 billion in the same year founded the Beck's Italy srl: the company name change in 2004, becoming Interbrew Italy Ltd.