Mixed fry of fish


New product

Ingredients-Fish fry mixed according to season and availability. '(Es.anelletti of squid, octopus, shrimp, anchovies, tufts of squid, smelt, etc. etc. ........)

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18,00 €

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Frying is a widespread method in the world and used as early as 2500 BC in Egypt. [1]. Of course, [unclear], in that country, they used oil vegetalegenerico. In ancient Rome they fried foods, sweet or savory they were, usually in olive oil. A recipe for the period, the frictilia, is the probable ancestor of the current chattering or lies carnival.
The majority of the population consuming the meal of midday and various snacks for the road, being purchased from various stalls or in premises open semi close to the road. These shops, cauponae and tabernae selling different fried foods, such as omelets, pancakes, sausages. There were also the real shops fryers, also cited by the poet Martial.
The fried in ancient Rome was mainly in olive oil or lard. In the Middle Ages (and until recently [2]), however, the latter prevailed. In Northern Italy the butter, the richness of beef cattle.
Recently, we also use edible fats subjected to fractionation, which allows to separate into a solid part and a liquid also suitable for frying (eg palm oil bifrazionato), alone or mixed with other oils, such substances are defined as "products to fry "but are not really oils. [2]
Given the high content of fat, fried foods should be eaten in moderation, especially for those with cardiovascular problems and liver. The amount of fat absorbed during frying varies from fat to fat.
An exhibition on the art of frying takes place in Ascoli Piceno (famous for its stuffed olives) and is called Fried mixed Italian and the world.