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Products and Quality: Amarone Barricade Barricade Eighteen Moons, 903 Barricade Barricade Grappa of champagne, The Soft White Trentino, Trentino The Classical White, White Frattina, Nardini Bianca, Grappa made in the White House.
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History of Grappa

To get to the "spirit" of the grapes must distil the pomace. Grappa Montanaro since 1885 .... Who invented the brandy? A people: the Italians! The grappa, as brandy, was conceived in the context of studies of the School of Salerno that, around the year one thousand, codified the rules of the concentration of alcohol through distillation and prescribed use for a variety of human diseases, guaranteeing spirits an enduring success. The pomace, raw material alcoligena poor (containing two-thirds of alcohol without wine), but widespread, were immediately taken into account, and their spirits, there is already talk in 1400. The first evidence of the study on the distillation of pomace date back to 1600 and are due to the Jesuits, among whom we must remember the Brescia Francesco Lana Terzi. Until the early nineteenth century, however, there is a clear distinction between the technological distilled spirits, then Italy's grappa chose their own path that led to the creation of a beverage with unique and unrepeatable.